The Lee W. Robinson Company

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Design Opportunity

There are few places I would rather be on March 7 than at Doyle New York, the legendary auction house. If it were not for a scheduling conflict, I would be front and center when the Charlotte Moss Collection is auctioned.

The event is major news in the design world and is of personal significance to me. Charlotte is one of the country’s most visionary designers. I was thrilled to get to know her this past fall when she and I created adjacent rooms at the Evelyn Lauder Holiday House in the former Woolworth mansion in New York.

Originally from Virginia, she infuses her work with signature Southern style while introducing a distinct cosmopolitan voice to each of her designs. She reminds me of my own design sensibilities…an appreciation for timeless period antiques and an unabashed love of eclecticism.

The auction will offer incredible buys on a vast assortment of her private collection of furniture, accessories and art. Some of my favorites are her botanical prints, de Gournay silk curtain panels and garden accoutrements.

It promises to be a rare opportunity to purchase stunning items from homes well lived in and enjoyed.

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